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Ways to Partner With Us


Become a community partner


Become a financial partner


Sponsor a family through a fundraiser

A partnership with Safe Haven Foundation is a way to profoundly influence one family's future.  Here are three ways to partner with us:



In a survey we conducted with displaced families in Delaware in 2022, it became evident that the defining factor for a family's ability to thrive ultimately came down to community.  Displaced families that found community had stronger mental health, more access to resources, and were overall more successful in less time.  Those who did not have community, were at greater risk for abuses in the workplace, exposure to other abuses and unnecessary losses, higher rates of depression and often struggled to gain stability for years.  If you are part of a great community (whether it's a church, a book club, or a friend group), we would love to have a conversation with you about what coming alongside of a family could look like.  Please contact us!


Community Partner, team leader

Since October 2023, my church has had the pleasure of partnering with Safe Haven Foundation to assist a single mother of three who resettled as a refugee in central Delaware.  SHF helped this family in many crucial ways.  Their process for determining the level of financial need for each family is robust and based on a transparent analysis of all of their income and expenses.  They also provided counseling and advice regarding job opportunities.  This family is now thriving and recently moved into a new rental unit that is only five minutes from their work!  Safe Haven provided the assistance to make this move possible.  They are an invaluable resource to refugees in our state.


Everything we do requires financial support, and we could not do it without the generous contributions of our donors.  We partner with businesses and individuals who are able to commit to a monthly financial amount in order to meet a very specific needs for a family.  Please visit the donation page to become a financial partner with us and to choose a category for your donation.


3. Sponsor a family through a fundraiser. 

There are many ways to create a fundraiser to help a family - hold a bake sale at your church or school, hold a special event activity within your community with ticket proceeds going to SHF, hold a mom's resale or garage sale, or do a youth group car wash.  The possibilities are endless!  We would love to hear your ideas.  Click the button below and fill out a form to chat with us about how your community might create an activity that changes lives.

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